What is the Lord restoring and rebuilding?

Published by Jason Shiels on

Clearing the ‘wreckage and rubble’ of moralism and liberalism – by Jason Shiels

Meanwhile, the people in Judah said, “The strength of the labourers is giving out, and there is so much rubble that we cannot rebuild the wall.”

Nehemiah 4:11

I have always been captivated by the story of Nehemiah and how God used him to mobilise the people of Israel to clear the rubble of the broken down walls of Jerusalem and then to rebuild. It is striking how different family groups and tribes contributed and did their part. The opposition was fierce yet God gave Nehemiah the wisdom and strength to face into the intimidation rather than succumb to its malevolent intent. The job was completed in record time (52 days) and remains forever as a reminder of the catalytic effect of God inspired prophetic leadership. The ‘body’ analogy of the apostle Paul’s teaching also comes to mind as the NT fulfilment of the family of God serving the purposes of God,

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Ephesians 4:16

What is being restored? (Part 1 here, Part 2 to follow…keep an eye out for this)

  1. Engagement over marketing – for too long the Western church has leaned into attractionalism as the primary driver of church growth. While Rick Warren has had a creditable influence in many ways, a cursory reading of his book ‘the Purpose Driven Church’ (which along with the ‘Purpose Driven Life’ have been hugely influential in the last 20 years) will see the promotion of the American megachurch model of a seeker sensitive way of doing church has been largely disempowering of a church being fashioned in the image of God. Other churches such as Willow Creek (another pioneer of this way of seeing church) came to the dramatic realisation that they were not discipling their members well and that this was causing long-term problems and dissatisfaction. Many churches are thankfully responding to the whole Bible teaching surrounding God’s Mission. This includes caring for the whole person and not only their soul, as vital as evangelism remains! Some churches have responded magnificently through Covid in this regard while others just saw it as a hindrance to ‘good meetings’ and missed the opportunity to engage their community. It’s never too late to learn the lesson and to engage the community and world with the love of God, gospel witness and caring service.
  2. Disciple or be discipled by culture – if we don’t intentionally engage in discipleship we will be shaped and become a reflection of the spiritual landscape and climate around us. Without exception! That means being shaped by whole Bible gospel preaching and its implications (commands). Sadly, many believers have a leading assumption that it is fine to be ‘Christian’ without being a disciple of Jesus that is also fully engaged in the church and mission of God. It’s both sad but also unacceptable. This rubble has to be cleared.
  3. When there seems no point, Jesus is the point – just recently I had a discouraging day and said to Ali (my wife) ‘what’s the point…!’ about some things. Her answer of ‘Jesus is the point’ says it all. We are called to build on NO OTHER foundation than Christ and Him crucified (and raised from the dead!), along with all the implications of redemption and seeing God’s Kingdom come. When the journey appears bleak and we wonder why we remain faithful to God, remember, ‘Jesus is the point’!
  4. Body life not consumers – God wants to rid His church of consumerism. ‘A la carte’ pick and choose Christianity is not Biblical. The NT church was one where body life was key. Where every member was mobilised to contribute and to build up the whole and glorify the ‘head’ Jesus! Churches are stunted when you have a couple of professionals and very few contributors. One essential characteristic of the early church was body life. A mobilised and functioning body. It’s time to clear the rubble of individualism! It’s time to stop saying we are too ‘busy’ and to start prioritising what’s most important. Jesus put it like this, ‘Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and His Kingdom will be added unto you!’ (Matt 6v33)
  5. How will we reach the masses? One precious life at a time? – Jesus taught a parable of God being a shepherd who would leave the 99 to seek and save the lost 1. This is also to be our heart attitude. It’s easy to be overwhelmed and to feel useless in the face of such a dramatic need for evangelism of both ‘neighbours’ and ‘nations’. However, God’s answer is for us to see what He sees. He cares for the one. People are not projects, they are precious to God. He ‘so’ loved the world that He sent Jesus! It was love that compelled God in the gospel and it needs to be love that compels us in mission. God cares for the sparrow, how much more does He care for you and I (and by implication others…)

This blog will continue next week with Part 2 of what I feel the Lord is restoring…and the rubble that is being cleared!

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1 Comment

Part 2 - What is God restoring and rebuilding? - Liberty Church · August 16, 2022 at 5:11 pm

[…] Thanks for stopping by. If you would like to take in what I shared in Part 1 then take a moment to read the first part of this short article… […]

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